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Johannes' list of smart books
Johannes Mathis, venture builder and strategist: "Reading books brings you and your team better understanding about strategy and methods. Those are my favorite books you should read to build a successful venture. Here is my personal short list."
The Innovators DNA - Mastering the five skills of disruptive innovators
The Lean start-up Eric Ries
Machine, Platform, Crowd, Harnessing our digital future Andrew Mc Affee
The Exponential Organization Salim Ismail
The future is faster than you think - Peter Diamandis
Download the full list with chapter summaries and most important take-aways.
Simon's blueprint for 10X innovation and entrepreneurship
Simon Nopp, innovation strategist:
Transitioning from making incremental 10% improvements to achieving revolutionary 10x advancements.
Drawing insights from the journeys of actual entrepreneurs through practical stories and illustrations.
Executing the 9 DOER Steps to proactively drive progress.
Enhancing the likelihood of triumph in introducing transformative endeavors, regardless of whether you're a corporate venture or a startup.
Get the course-companion blueprint for free
Miriam's book how to build a startup for teens (GER)
Dieses Buch bietet eine Vielzahl von Geschichten über junge Gründer sowie konkrete Ratschläge zur Ideenentwicklung, Vermarktung und Umsetzung. In acht leicht verständlichen Kapiteln begleitet das Buch Leser ab 12 Jahren durch diese Themen und schließt jedes Kapitel mit einem praktischen Teil ab, um das erlernte Wissen direkt anzuwenden.
Lerne, wie du Ideen entwickelst, sie vertreibst und damit Geld verdienst. Das Arbeitsbuch ermöglicht es dir durch 8 Kapitel einen handfesten Businessplan zu erarbeiten.
&make list of investors
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